Plan for Pomelo Pitches
Make excellent videos and pitches for Eden Creators, Creator Talk, and Eden Town Hall on Pomelo
Definitely make great videos for a Pomelo for EdenCreators, creatortalk, and an Eden Town Hall. Do high-quality videos for each of these With unique cool intros and engaging and informative presentations and cool music.
Eden Creators
When I do the EdenCreators one, then I should show the website. I can basically make my presentation like I do for whatever other Shell by opening up the Ethan Creators website and then all the links like the about page and the videos YouTube channel and the garden and showing some of the individual posts like Eden research and Eden talk and independence and so forthAnd also definitely show the page about dams and explain how I will use the funding. I can say that right now we have a huge amount of amazing content and we need help curating this content. With the funding I will pay video editors and timestamp and curators to help both automate the processes of produce and distributing great content to help people enjoy the benefits of EOS and factor cooperation Fractal cooperation and all of these wonderful tools and community members and people. Also, we can use funding to pay developers to build open source code that helps facilitate cooperation and content production, such as cignals and eden fractal software and permissions with Consortium
I should show the excitement with the vision for dams and all the great content and show the examples of the video content that we are creating so far as we’re upping our production game and the plans to build distribution and make great thumbnails and make great timestamps and make short video clips and articles and compose them all together and make music videos and so forth
That is definitely a good idea, that will help me raise a lot more funding in Alaska explain it in Creators much better and inspire people to work more with Ethan Creators so absolutely do this
Strategy for Creator Talk and Town Hall
And then absolutely also do the same kind of thing for Eden Town Hall and Creator Talk. 95 or 99% sure that these are the best two projects to do in addition to eat in Creators. I think they will be the most interesting to promote at this point and I think that the videos will be really good and really compelling for them. I thought about doing Eden talk instead as one of them but that’s less clearly a public good whereas media is more clearly a public good and I think it’s also just more interesting in the more engaging and there’s more to say that’s fresh whereas eating tacos are ready kind of done and it’s own way and it’s on its own development path whereas I feel like it makes a lot more sense to focus on creator talk and even Townhall. And also like the fact that creator talk is a little bit distancing from Eden, that way they’re not all just directly about Eden. So we have a EdenCreators and then we have the Eden side of that with Townhall and then we have the creator side of it with creatortalk
See more at Creator Talk and Town Hall
Town Hall
Before the video about Townhall I should tell the story of the Townhall a little bit and explain how it’s the longest running show in Eden and the longest running community event in Eden and has been the place for many fascinating conversations countless conversations over the past six months and helpful connections and inspiration and ideas and community building and so forth. I could potentially mention a few of the highlights I mentioned that I was originally sponsored by by wire and perhaps mention some of the highlights like special guests and Builders Lake Mathias and Lars with a Fractal fiction and Yves and chief delegates etc
I can and should definitely show the tweets for the Townhall‘s that were done with the swarms. That is absolutely a good idea definitely share those tweets to show an example of how the promotion can be on an ongoing basis. Also definitely tried to make a Twitter thread like I was previously planning to do so they can showcase the Twitter thread and how they can be more effective overall for the community then just a single tweet
And say who I am. Say that I mean a community member Building for a long time and you can see my website here and learn about me and I’m a musician Creator not Siobhan you are working to make the best experience possible and I’m the founder of Ethan Creators and edenfractal and I’ve been so inspired and excited to help people cooperate and hope the world with eels in fact a cooperation and shared many ideas and so forth and you can see in the Edin Creators pitch
And I’m also the former host of the hot sauce and former writer of the everything years weekly report. I did those for six months and I learned a lot so much. I’ve also learned so much in all of the Fractal meetings and elections and I am constantly learning about the comedian constantly putting on shows and I bring a lot of experience from doing shows like the hot sauce that I can do for the Ethan Townhall now.
So I’ll explain how I’m changing the format and they will be open discussions after but I’m going to start the show with a fun an engaging and informative show in the beginning, similar to the hot sauce and someways stylistically but also very different I don’t wanna compare to the hot sauce too much… And I’ll do this hike or the show live each week and I’ll talk about the latest news and developments happening in the Eden community and also the wider EOS in and look communities as well or perhaps current events around the world and maybe having fun and all sorts of different ways, but mostly focusing on Eden and try to cooperation. Both Jerry Newsom in the community and also sharing some of the initiatives that I’m working on and that we’re doing at the weekly Eden meetings , like fractal and brainstorming sessions . Also cd calls etc
Why is this good…
Currently Eden doesn’t have a show like this and there’s so much happening in the community but it really needs it to help people learn about the community and learn about even learn by cooperation.
Use of Funds
So with this funding and I’ll set up a kind of production machine where I’ll do hosting and I’ll also make a nice template so it looks good visually on the canvas and then at some point with funding hire help to help make new thumbnails every week similar to how we did at the hot sauce, and make tweets and make video clips and so forth,. And make articles. And take a lot of things I’ve been learning working independently and working with various companies in the space and hosting shows and all the experience from creative background as well. And both hosting the show and then hosting a more open discussion afterwards and perhaps inviting guests to do assignments of the show and also pioneering dams Technology and cooperative software to experiment with how the community can help collaborate to make Townhall‘s awesome and as helpful as possible for everyone
Such as cignals and more
Creator Talk
For the creator talk video I can use a lot of the art that I’ve already made and then I can just share the excitement for this new show and explain a little bit about the first episode with Tadas and the Eden plus Fractal method and so forth and then I can say how there’s an upcoming one with Vlad and many other people in the community, there’s so many amazing people who have met and are doing amazing things in the community and I’ll help tell their stories and ask questions and learn and share a great time with everyone and make great shows. And this can also be with funding amplified and create more of a production factory for producing short clips and timestamps and so forth. I can also say how for each episode I put in extra care to curate the persons work on the Eden Creators website and also make the visuals cool but really curating the persons work on the website it’s really helpful and unique. And talk about all the different creators in town maybe say how I see everybody has a greater and this is a place where will have great discussions and I’m looking forward to reaching out to the wider audience with the show for both people who are in our community currently here with EOS and antelope and people in all kinds of creative fields doing all kinds of creative works, scientists and artists and engineers and entrepreneurs and musicians and painters and much more
I can also say how I’ve been friends for several years also have a lot of creative and fun ideas and I’ll share more soon and perhaps some musical ideas during the show and plan playful games during the shower. And interactive segments are in the shell. And I can also say how I’m bringing a lot of experience the show as well, I’ve done many accounts as many interviews on the NovaCrypto channel and with Dwayne and I’ve listened to great interviewers like Tim Ferriss and Lex Friedman and Joe Rogan and many more so many more so many times. On Being Krista Tippett. Other shows like invisiiblia, radiolab, song exploder, etc. Studying the work of great interviewers. I would listener and who will host great shows that I really helpful
About the Host
During one or more of these videos I should also briefly show my website and see how I am working to make the best experiences possible and I have a YouTube channel where I’ve been hosting live stream music shows for the past five years… That’s good to include because it’s more experienced a host and it’s more hints as to the possibilities of what it shows can be and the personality little break and the creativity and
Production Notes
See article about production
Make a 5 or 20 second eden intro - right now the 30 second one is too long for intros to short clips like this and we also need more variation with more fun intros to lead by example with great novelty
Listen to find more music from kjarten abel . Also add to YouTube descriptions now
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