How to Show Your Work
Here is a high level overview of a process for sharing presentations in your background on zoom meetings:
- Download OBS
- OBS is free, open-source, and available on Windows, Mac, & Lunix
- Add your camera as a ‘video capture source’ in OBS.
- Add a ‘window capture’ source and select a window that shows the content that you want to present, such as a browser tab or powerpoint presentation.
- Set up a green screen with decent lighting
- Apply a chroma key filter to your ‘video capture’ to remove the green screen.
- Use your mouse to position, crop, and compose your video input sources on your visual canvas in OBS.
- On Mac, the option key enables you to quickly crop out the browser UI.
- Similar hotkey for Windows
- Click on ’Start Virtual Camera’ in the bottom right corner of OBS.
- Configure your video input in your Zoom settings to the Virtual Camera that you just created in OBS.
Voilà, That’s it! I’d be happy to answer questions or show you on video if you’d like. Hope that helps 🙂
Green Screen Alternatives
If you don’t want to use a green screen, you could also show your work with the following tools:
- whiteboard
- blackboard
- tablet device
- computer monitor
- tv screen
- projector
- printed paper
It is probably also possible to use the ‘remove background’ feature in zoom, OBS, Logitech Webcam software, or another application to replace the function of the greenscreen. A well-lit green screen is best when feasible, but this remove background feature could be much simpler and easier. I’ve never looked into this but imagine that you could probably figure out how to do this with a relatively small amount of research on google/youtube.
Why is it helpful to show your work?
- It helps you earn more respect!
- It helps you promote your community and fractal
- It makes your work easier to understand and more engaging for your audience & community.
It’s better to show your work on screen than in the chat
- There’s a bit of a conflict on focus when you share the text in the zoom chat. When you share text in the zoom chat,
- Sharing your work via text can disrupt your connection with the audience and split their focus in two different directions
- Sharing visuals + text is more fun, engaging, and informative than only text.
Consider- i think i already wrote about green screens and lighting previously for amusing tools. See if i can find this and include it. If not then no big deal but it could be helpful.
Thank you for this article, I’ve read half so far and it sounds very thoughtful & interesting!
I’m working on more detailed tutorial at
I’d be happy to answer questions or show you on video if you’d like. Hope that helps 🙂
More Notes (Work in Progress)You can learn more about green screens here:
Green Screens(Work in Progress)