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Community Tools on Ethereum
Note: This page is in an early stage of development. Most of this was written in 2022 and may be updated soon.
I’ve also been exploring many tools for communities in the Ethereum space . There is a lot of exciting development there and and projects which are quite polished and impressive they have been building for several years with smart teams.
With the upcoming introduction of EVM fractal tools, I think that these tools may become much more accessible and usable for the Eden Fractal communities.
Examples of projects that I’ve been exploring include :
- clarity
- dework,
- city dao,
- creator cabins,
- sobol,
- Aragon,
- nation3,
- colony dao,
- yak collective,
- nestr
- Coordinape
Some of these are tools or projects building tools and some of these are projects using the tools so it’s interesting to learn about the ecosystem and the communities and the tools.
Hey Shanzz, hope you are doing well. Sorry for the very long delay, I haven’t been on discord lately and lost your message in all the . There are two different organizations within Eden that
I checked out