Remember to Prepare Better
Remember - start recording the Eden Fractal meetings earlier
Remember- always complete presentation before 11:30 so I can be fully attentive as host for the community, and we can start recording earlier without me being distracted
I should write a page like this in notion every week to organize my thoughts, contributions, and plans for each Eden Fractal Meeting. This can also serve as precedent for eden builders and it can easily be adopted into a webpage for each eden fractal week.
Try using notion as my main input place instead of bear or roam. It loads quickly and is so much more functional than bear. It’s also much easier than roam and much more much functional than roam with websites, and it has feature parity on many important features. The most important feature is shareability and notion is far better than roam for this. This is the simplest solution for huge ROI. It will save a huge amount of time organizing bear notes. It will enable me to share to pages and organize time much faster than the current system with bear. It provides transclusion which is super helpful. It removes all the time needed to reformat content from bear to notion. This is an easy 10x improvement. The only things I should use bear for are more personal things that I don’t want to be so close to the live website.