This is the first attempt/draft at a roadmap for Eden fractal
In the future, we plan to release roadmaps more specifically for Eden creators, Genesis fractal, alien worlds fractal, and many other exciting initiatives.
We are member / creator in dao decentralized with community decision. These are our recommendations, projections, and suggestions …
The following are our recommendations (and projections) to help make the best experiences possible with Eden fractal.
Note that we are navigating new unknown with incomplete information and our environment is changing rapidly, so we may update and change this frequently as we learn more.
Should there be a ‘by dan Singjoy’ near the title? Should the POV be ‘we’ as in Eden creators? ‘We’ as in Eden fractal? Or ‘I’ as in dan Singjoy?
Eden fractal proposed/suggested roadmap
Launch Eden votes
Launch Eden Chats
Launch Eden Builders
Customize, reply, and sign updated fractal contributor agreement
Enable team functionality and encourage top teams to join
Request funding from enf . 1k per week for Eden fractal season 1/3. Each season lasts 13 weeks. Launch season 1
Build community recovery system - community token locks as defined on ___ page of whitepaper . Ie people can only withdraw 5% per week etc. this should be done before tokens are liquid. Gold rush. More stability.
Distribute EDEN to Eden Builders. Collaborate with Eden Repu, participants at other events, POP tokens, Maybe eden telegram stats, video stats, etc
Implement addendum math refinement model for Eden respect token distribution
Eden creators concert series
Add to events page all five of Joshua’s meetings
Add to continuous link to events page
Eden Fractal IBC - trust superpower - connecting eos with upcoming fractally blockchain, antelope blockchains with fractal communities like WAX, any other blockchains with fractal governance
Request funding from ENF to subsidize liquidity pool for EOS / EDEN
Funding recommendations proposal
Deploy respect earned by Eden fractal team into liquidity pools between EDEN / GENESIS
‘Create a DAO’ page to help other communities cooperate fractally
Adopt team governance model outlined in fractal whitepaper and upgrade software to automatically update MSIG
Continually refine and improve Eden fractal tooling. Next priorities may include integration with fractally video ui, team functionality, etc
Promote the adoption of fractal governance with eos
Collaborate and offer support to fractals with antelope tools, such as alien worlds fractal and Spanish fractal and zEOS fractal
Foster great relationships with Genesis fractal communities and fractally team
Help each other win and help win
Make great videos
Tools to help expand
Mutual respect amongst communities
Check fractally whitepaper and see if there’s anything else I should add to this roadmap
Consider-- I think it probably makes sense to present this as a roadmap for Eden rather than just a roadmap for EdenCreators or edenfractal
Then I can/should also include proposals to the Eden election system to also work in similar ways with support from the ENF and so forth
I can also add hypha integration in Q2 and link to the new article. And then I can also add a page about EV I’m down tools and add shanz tweet there as well.
It’s much simpler and more holistic when it is a wholesome Eden roadmap rather than just a creators roadmap or fractal roadmap.
Consider the images that I can search for in mid journey. I think that the main image and the cover photo might be best if I search for something like a winding road into beautiful luscious fantastical fun forest and horizon with the sun and stars and fractal nature.
Something like that. And then I can write at the top of it Eden roadmap
And perhaps I can also make a big graphic with different parts of the roadmap, although that is probably more complex but still might be possible. But definitely try searching these things and see how it looks
Eden sports
Eden gamers
Eden artists
Eden music
More equal Animals Dao
Eden surfing
Eden defi
second test page with this image at the top
only text with no logo at the top
Consider making a graphic and/or a page and/or a dework site for this
Maybe with months or Q3 etc. though maybe without dates bc idk many of the dates - perhaps we could also use some of the tasks from Genesis fractal in Eden fractal as well, like this post from Matt about MEA
There is an interesting connection with discord threads here whereby the dework bot automatically adds tasks and comments to discord threads - this can be quite helpful…
Change the Eden creators to simple bullet point rather than header I think
The headers should only be for the ones that are more ready to share and closely related to the Eden fractal
Create web pages for each :
more vibrant stars centered small text
with centered smaller text on top
I think that I can make a very basic roadmap by tomorrow where I don’t do links for most of the roadmap goals/destinations. I can just do a simple version with a nice little art at the top and then just bullet points basically for the title of each goal. And this is essentially done already and then I can say how in before next week I’m aiming to make pages for each of these or at least many of these with many more details about all of these initiatives and proposals, and will gradually add more links as ready to do so. But for now this seems like the best way to do it whereby I’m still releasing some thing that gives people an idea and some thing to refer to while discussing different priorities, and then gradually we can add more details to it but just get the framework out first and then that is very helpful in itself.
When I write the roadmap I think it should be by dancing joy , It makes sense for it to come from me and then I can put a personal touch on it as well. And then it also just gives the opportunity to link to my website and my music and so forth which is nice. I should also do the same for probably most other articles better there on Ethan Creators as well. And then it also provides additional space when eventually there are other writers who want to participate, then it makes it clear who the writers are. And if they are writing than their names gonna be there to of course but that way it’s often times known. It doesn’t really need to be title for everything I suppose and this is thinking farther in the future than necessary but certainly for this post I think it makes The most sense for it to come from me and to have my name and link to website at the top. And then when I write it I’ll write it in the first person
I can also answer also organize it by overall calling in an eaten roadmap and then at the top explaining how it is organized into two categories, Edin Fractal and EdenCreators. The first category with Edin Fractal is initiatives that are directly or closely related to Edin Fractal and well and some form requires some proposals from Edin Fractal and so forth, and it can be viewed independently as a roadmap for Edin Fractal.
They separate the second category is entitled EdenCreators, and these are initiatives that I am aiming to lunch with in craters in the feature. These are also closely related and also may interact closely with Ethan Fractal but deserve some distinction here because there less dependent related or intervention with Edin Fractal.
In the future, I also plan to add more proposals and initiatives for genesis Fractal, Fractal, alienworldsfractal, Eden on yes, and many more communities, but just starting it out simple for now with edencreators and Eden fractal as part of the Eden roadmap.
Note that all of these are my suggestions and opinions recommendations and these may change over time. This is just a first draft of a roadmap that I am putting out as a vision that we can discuss and consider rallying around for the benefit of the community. Of course, please feel free to add your suggestions share your suggestions and ideas and we can work together to navigate the best possible journey and roadmap and directions and so forth for the community.
Eden Research
Eden Creators Concert Series
EOS Sages