provides an innovate way for communities to reach consensus and cooperate for mutual benefit. is an innovative and perhaps revolutionary design that combines benefits of Eden Elections and ƒractally. This elegant fractal design can provide many benefits that Tadas described in the Discord thread. You can see the proposal here and read much more details in the Eden Discord thread.
View the proposal to use the Eden+Fractal Process as a signaling tool to help reach consensus and make decisions here.
Additional Information
Supplementary Resources
In addition to the proposal, Tadas and Eden ƒractal community members shared many other helpful resources that explore the benefits of the Eden+Fractal process.

You can read many more interesting thoughts from community members about Eden + Fractal in the Eden Discord/
Eden+Fractal consensus process proposal
1. Make break-out room sessions longer by 15 minutes
2. Each break-out room after determining rankings for weekly contributions tries to reach consensus on a delegate to elect (it can be different from the top contributor);
3. Delegates from each break-out room together constitute a council for that week;
4. Each council serves for 4 weeks (this means that at any point in time fractal has 4 councils);
5. Councils from different weeks may have the same people in them;
6. Council is said to "approve a proposal" when at least 2/3rds of its members vote to approve it, during the hour after the break-out room session;
7. Proposal is passed once at least 3 out 4 active councils approve it, during the hour after break-out room session;
Discord doesn’t display hierarchical bullet points well, so the text above is pasted and reformatted below for your convenience.
“Here's why I like this:
- Simple to implement and understand (let me know if something can be made clearer);
- Proposals can be passed as fast as community wants, no need for complex rules which restrict how fast proposals can be passed, because council members are held accountable at all times. If some delegates pass proposals too fast, are not listening to the community, they will stop getting elected;
- Will organize discussions on proposals: contributors will first discuss in the break-out rooms in the groups of 6, which is much easier to do than in rooms of 12-16 people that we try to do now;
- Voter participation does not become a problem: if you join meeting to earn Respect - you elect a representative;
- Decouples governance from awarding Respect based on contributions.
- In previous proposals if you want some proposals to be passed, it made sense to rank advocates of those proposals over others. This would likely conflict with intent to rank contribution of that week accurately.
- Also someone might be contributing a lot, but does not have time to participate in governance.
- It's obvious how this keeps community in control, instead of concentrating power on top contributors;
- It has a clear mechanism for community to undo active proposals if it learns they do not work. This means that we can move more confidently, having knowledge that proposals can be reversed, by simply electing representatives that would vote on proposals to do so;
- We might potentially have a superior form of representative democracy here. The typical problem for representative democracies is lack of communication and accountability for representatives after they are elected. I would say Eden process as it currently stands has the same problem as well (3 months is a long period of time). Here representatives meet with community every week and if community does not like what they are doing they can simply stop electing them. If the same people are elected into council every week, it would mean that community is happy with its representatives. That's a clear signal that of effective governance.
- Solves the problem that most of the community is not able to look into intricate details of each proposal
- Contributors who don't have time to look into details of proposals, only need to be clear about what their values are and what they want proposal to do. Then they elect a representative that will try to represent these values. The responsibility of representative during the next week is then to analyze proposals and make sure that they are aligned with values of the break-out room that elected him. He then votes accordingly - to either approve or not approve proposals;
- For future consideration: this could be a step towards a path to unite Eden with EdenFractal
- We can propose to Eden community: instead of holding elections every 3 months, let's hold them every week, and in addition to electing delegates and distributing EOS, let's award each other Respect for contributions. Eden becomes EdenFractal (or EdenFractal becomes Eden)...”