This article provides…x Please note that this article is an early work in progress and will be updated soon. Enjoy!
Table of Contents
- Welcome
- Telos Sessions
- What are Telos Sessions?
- Teleology
- Event Details
- Mission and Game Goals
- Synergies with ARC and The Bible
- Resources
- Related Posts
Telos Sessions
What are Telos Sessions?
- Definition of Telos
- The ultimate purpose
I’m planning a new event called The Telos Sessions to help everyone find and align actions around their ultimate purpose. I
’m also planning a new event called The Telos Sessions to help everyone with a helpful telos, or ultimate purpose, and would love to collaborate with the Telos community. The Telos Sessions will use a fractal will use a similar kind of fractal process that Psinq is planning with their Open AI grant or that the Eden community has pioneered with initiatives like Fractal Fiction.
fractally style meeting where participants share and discuss their telos
the goal will be to rank a telos for community?
- Curate content about this
- Tadas’ post about the mission and animals
- Mission article
- Telos article
- Vision article
- DEFS discussions about this below
- Telos
- Purpose
- Vision
Event Details
- Three week event
- On different day than EF
- Telos for the individual or organization?
- Perhaps both
- First for individual, then organization?
- Individual telos is more open to everyone and wider promotion, whereas telos for the eden fractal organization is probably a much more limited audience because most people don’t know much about eden fractal
- I think there’s a great opportunity for wider promotion and education here, so i think that we should focus on individual telos
- Plus it makes sense for individuals to think of their telos before the organizational telos
- The organizational telos will always be derived from the individuals’ telos
- Promotional Synergies
- We can ask Telos to help fund prizes
- We can ask Eden on EOS delegates to help fund prizes
- We can ask ENF to help fund prizes
- We can give away beautiful NFTs
- CREATOR Respect from Eden Creators
- EDEN Respect from Eden Fractalq
- We can promote it on Fireside Chat, Telos community chats, etc
- We can promote:
- Eden Fractal
- Telos
- UX Network
- IBC bridge
- Antelope Coalition
- Collaboration with Alien Worlds on WAX
- The software for Eden Fractal recommendations
- First software from from Michael
- Could create article for Telos Sessions at EdenCreators.com/telos
- Promote alongside fractal fiction, fractal forums, EF, AWF, etc
- You can also learn about the telos blockchain in antelope coalition
- Philosophy of Life book
- Practical Stoicism
- Derek Sivers recommended?
- It’s at the core of every decision you make
- Inform every descision
- Makes everything simpler
- Mission for has never seemed necessary to me personally because my telos is to make the best experiences possible, and I’ve always known that helping eden fractal is the best way to do this
- Value of mission, game goals, telos
- This should wait until we are fully caught up with Anniversary promotions
- Opportunities to promote Aquadac personal goals
- Can ask douglas about this
- He’s a fan of telos and interested in this
- Opportunities to promote this alongside Psinq
- https://psinqup.substack.com/p/openai-grant-psinq-submission
- https://psinqup.substack.com/p/psinq-submission-to-the-openai-democratic
- Psinq are aiming to create similar events and promote to large audiences to attrack 500 participants. We can also promote alongside and Eden Fractal can offer consensus opinions to show the power of community consensus
Mission and Game Goals
- What is the mission of Eden Fractal?
- What is our mission?
- Maybe that’s better and simpler
- What is the game goal of Eden+Fractal?
- What is the Telos of Eden Fractal?
- What is the role of Eden+Fractal delegates?
- This can work well with Respect Trees
Synergies with ARC and The Bible
Add to and link to Arc
(11:56) The structure of priority
Biblical Series: Exodus Episode 1: Faith as an Adventure
This part is very related to Telos and God. I think it’s good to mention during the telos sessions. The other parts of Arc are also related to the Telos session