By the way, when you get access to your account, beware of scammers and impersonators. There are many accounts on telegram, EOS, and elsewhere that try to trick people into giving away their keys or tokens. Here are a few tips:
• Never give your private keys to anyone
• Don’t sign any transactions unless you’re sure it’s safe
• Review the anchor pop-ups carefully before signing transactions
• Don’t visit websites in transaction memos from random EOS accounts, messages from strangers or impersonators on telegram, or other untrusted sites
• Log in with your active key, not your owner key
You can see some examples of scams here to get an idea of the kinds of scams out there. You can reach out to me or EOS Support if you’re not sure if something is legit. It’s easy to avoid most scams but sometimes they can trick very smart people into giving away their money or accounts, so it’s best to be careful and err on the side of caution whenever you’re making transactions. We can discuss some account security basics and best practices in our next meeting if you’d like.
some helpful best practices at the bottom of this article.
- Whenever you make a transaction, read the popups in anchor to make sure you know
If random EOS accounts send you tokens then don’t
unsolicited EOS accounts send you
go to websites in the memo field EOS accounts.v
- You can doublecheck the telegram username, chat history, and groups in common to make sure you’re not being messaged by an impersonator
on telegram and bloks. who try to trick you.
Beware of scammers and impersonators.
There are many accounts on telegram, EOS, and elsewhere that try to trick people into giving away their keys or tokens. Never give away your private keys to anyone and don’t sign any transactions unless you’re sure it’s safe. You can see some examples of scams here.
For example, there could be scammers impersonating other people in the community. If anyone asks you for your private keys then that is a big red flag. If you ever receive a strange message or are unsure if the account is real, you can check their telegram profile to see if their username looks correct and check you share groups in common to confirm their identity.
It’s better to always login with you active permission or a custom permission.
There are also scams happening in block explorers like Over time you’ll get some random spam transactions with weird links in the memo. Don’t click on any links in the memo unless you’re sure it’s safe. Some scammers try to make you sign transactions to give them your EOS or account keys. If you’re making a transaction, you can see what the We’re working to improve the experience so people don’t have to deal with scammers on EOS, but it is something that you need to be aware of
There’s not an overwhelming amount of scams and you might not see any for many weeks, but just wanted to make you aware of it so that you’ll know for the future. Some very smart people have lost many millions of dollars to scams and it’s good to be careful.