Eden Fractal Brainstorming Session 1
00:00 - Start
01:16 - Context
02:08 - Panel presentation
04:48 - Cagendas by Dan Singjoy
09:14 - Tadas put some context
11:03 - Jesse feeback
12:06 - Vlad feedback
17:45 - Tadas feedback
18:43 - Dan Digest of the brainstorming
22:07 - MindMap updated
23:42 - Lennie feedback
24:31 - The value added points of Brainstorming Sessions
25:13 - Jesse Feedback on Cagenda Proposal
25:55 - Our experience with Brainstorming Sessions
26:40 - Do the things with flexibility and commitment
28:08 - Closing of the session
31:03 - How to submit your proposals to the MindMap?
32:51 - Good use of the time
34:37 - Time to conclude You can view Cagendas and other proposals on the Mindmap. You can submit your proposal to the MindMap here. You can join Eden Fractal Brainstorming sessions here at 1600 UTC on every other Tuesday. Next stop: November 29th, 2022.
Vlad and Jesse provided the following feedback, which you can read in the notes on the right side of the mindmap below:
Feedback from Vlad in Discord
Cagendas on Twitter and Town Hall
- Here is the Miro board I shared during the meeting - Here's 2 interesting pointers to thinking about mindmaps -
- @November 13, 2022 12:46 PM (EST)@November 13, 2022 12:46 PM (EST)@November 13, 2022 12:46 PM (EST)
1) Paul Pangaro's work on cybernetics - 2) Jerry Michalski's work on "The Brain" (he's a friend of mine) -
Paul Pangaro - Theory of Conversation