Inspired by
In response to Elias comment on Eden fractal about collaboration not being the correct word for its mission
Listed be,plow are bullet point Eden fractal collaboration successes to date:
1-vlad collaborating with James mart in creation of smart contract, that is now open source to help other fractals.
2-Vlad and Dan collaborating on the use of consortium for Eden fractal voting, poll mechanism tool.
3-Alien fractal started by Dwayne using smart contracts that vlad developed for eden fractal, Dan, Eric, Lisa support , promotions and collaboration with Dwayne in this venture by participating in events
4-Dwayne , Lisa and Dan collaborating to bring others outside of eos community to be involved in both Eden and alien works fractal
5-Jorge Spanish speaking fractal, vlad collaborated to assist this fractal with smart contract created by vlad.
6-Eric-real world use of fractal in art world.
7-Upcoming zeos fractal started by Mathias Eden fractal members collaborating Vlad is fully collaborating with Mathias on set up Zeos fractal, Dan will monitor the first Zeos fractal meeting
8-Tadas collaborating with Eden fractal creating fractal plus, collaborating with Dan podcast introducing albedo
9-Patrick collaborating with Dan for brainstorming session for Eden fractal
The list can probably have more bullet points then mentioned, but I’ll stop here with one final bullet point…..
The best collaboration is inspiration, our meetings foster the inspiration to collaborate and achieve even more successes
Go Eden fractal
Great explanation by reiki and Chris and etc at end of cd 12 , like 120 130 etc Xavier makes great points at 1:02 in cd meeting 12