The data for each post is published in this account:
it's all on-chain already so I imagine we can use it as an input for smart contract with EDEN and VOTES. I'd be interested to hear more about your experience…
BBS is a public network of Web3 message boards where people can give and earn respect by making helpful posts. You can learn more about BBS in the following resources:
In addition you can also view some exciting recent updates from the BBS team and stories from Dan Singjoy about BBS below. Please note that his page is a work in progress and will be updated in the future.
Table of Contents
- Intro
- Recent Tweets and Articles
- Recent Podcasts
- BBS and Eden Creators
- Eden Talk
- Everything EOS Weekly Report
- Hot Sauce
- Eden Governance Tools
- dBoard
- Pomelo Grant
- Hot Sauce 168
- Everything EOS Weekly Report
- Pomelo Pitch Session
Recent Tweets and Articles
Recent Podcasts
BBS and Eden Creators
Eden Talk
Dan Singjoy created an BBS site for the Eden community at You can join the group and learn more about this in our articles about Eden Talk, Eden Talk FAQ, and Eden Talk Resources. More coming soon!
Everything EOS Weekly Report
You can learn about BBS in the Everything EOS Weekly Report from September 3rd, 2022. This story was written by Dan Singjoy while he was working for EOS Nation and the EOS Network Foundation. You can read the story from this report below and click the link above for the full report. You can also watch Dan host a segment of the Hot Sauce show about BBS from around the same time below. Enjoy :)

The BBS Network recently announced exciting updates that show the power of EOS to revolutionize social media and empower community collaboration!
For anyone who is unfamiliar, BBS is a public network of interconnected message boards where people can create forums, share comments, and discuss ideas while earning revenue from their content. The name is a homage to early Bulletin Board Systems, which provided the foundation of community interaction on the internet since the 1970s.

You can think of BBS like a decentralized version of Reddit where anyone can create their own message board for any subject and host it on their own website, then automatically share value with all contributors. Every post on BBS is an NFT that users can buy, sell, and use to collect ad revenue on posts with an innovative tokenomic system. Revenue is automatically shared amongst admins, moderators, publishers, developers, and operators. BBS is deeply integrated with EOS and supported by operators like EOS Nation, so BBS is censorship resistant and all BBS content can always be recovered.

You can learn much more about BBS at and BBS.Market, where you can join vibrant discussions in message boards like METABBS, METV, and Crypto Banter. You can also explore the first board that launched last March at, which was started by the owner of a YouTube channel with over 3 million subscribers.
If you’re interested in digging into the details, you can explore the BBS Whitepaper, BBS FAQ, on-chain data, and the technical infrastructure for BBS called DeWeb. BBS was founded by Eyal Hertzog, who is also the co-founder of Bancor and LiquidApps. You can hear Eyal speak about BBS and DeWeb on Roundtable, NovaCrypto, CryptoCoinShow, and a recent Bancor Community Call. You can also watch Eyal explain the predecessor to BBS in this short video and reach out with questions in the BBS Telegram or METABBS message board.
Hot Sauce
Dan Singjoy featured BBS in the Hot Sauce at 21:47
Time stamp: 21:47
BBS is already a great app. It might be fairly simple to integrate it with EDEN and VOTES. Though I'm not sure about the technical complexity yet or if it would require very much funding to figure out all the technical details
I'm not sure how much development or funding would be needed to link BBS with EDEN and VOTES, but it seems like this would be super helpful for the community if we can make it work. We can try to design it according to the fractally whitepaper
Yes make sense. I want that VOTES pass. It's good to have a token for proposal and a token to bridge with other platform like BBS.
Eden Governance Tools
Consider adding dBoard to the interim consensus process or a new page on notion for dboard, or Eden Governance Tools
Pomelo Grant
Hot Sauce 168
Everything EOS Weekly Report
dBoard was mentioned in Everything EOS Weekly Report on September 10th, 2022 in a story about Remodeling Centralized Management With DAOs
Pomelo Pitch Session
Jun Dam describes dBoard at 34:54 in this Pomelo pitch session.