Incentivizing Liquidity for EDEN
The healthiest, safest, most scalable, and most helpful way to financially support all Eden builders is to incentivize liquidity for EDEN.
This provides amplification, independence, and reduces liability….
We should do this as one of the main or the main mechanism to fund Eden builders soon
However, there are a few obstacles that currently limit ability to do this
EDEN is not transferrable . More description about this. Generally agreed-upon plan to wait for July 2023, though some people have expressed desire to do it sooner and nothing has been formally agreed-upon yet. Upcoming contributor agreement can/should define this. I think it’s important that we wait until updated token math and contributor agreement and distribution
Distribution here’s another current obstacle. Currently, the allocation or distribution of Eden tokens is not very representative of all edenbuilders and the proportion to which people have helped build Eden. I’m not sure of representative is the right word, may be proportional to the amount of people help build Eden might be another way to look at it. There are currently about 47 people who have earned Edin tokens and several people who have been participating in Eden for a long time don’t have any tokens. We propose that or I propose that we carefully coordinate and consider two distribute Eden tokens more widely amongst contributors to the EOS and Eden ecosystems. For example, collaborating with The reputation system N FT team and pop tokens and so forth
Send Vlad the audio of conversation about funding liquidity pool incentives with Dan Larimer
Update- this was written before regulatory environment changes. See Risks and Solutions