Enabling Telegram Topics, Creating a ‘Live Chat’ Topic, and Switching from Zoom Chat
informal proposal
any objectionsq
Telegram Live Chat Plan
I’m planning to just enable the topics feature in the Eden Fractal group and start a new topic for live chat during meetings. I plan to encourage everyone to stop using the zoom chat and use the telegram chat instead during our weekly meetings. Switching to the telegram chat provides many benefits, including the ability to save chats so they’re easily accessible for all in the future, share multimedia, use polls, share the chat screen on camera, synergize with fractalgram with all messages in one platform, and take advantage of telegram’s other features.
Telegram polls can greatly help facilitate our cagendas games and delegate meetings. I’m going to propose a simple system whereby each delegate can both vote on proposals and signal their intent to move to the next topic. Each topic proposed on Consortium will be posted in telegram at 16 UTC in the order of votes on Consortium. As moderator, I’ll make it clear that voting for topics ends at 16 UTC so the final order will be on telegram.
When we play cagendas, I’ll instruct each delegate to give the topic a ‘zing’ when they are ready to move onto the next topic by reacting to the topic post with a thunderbolt emoji. I’ll also instruct non-delegates to react with a Christmas tree emoji so we can get a better feel for all community members but still be able to pay extra attention to delegates. As moderator, I’ll move onto the next topic when I see lots of zings and christmas trees. This will make it easy to see when community members are ready to move on to the next topic, increase our capacity to process proposals faster, and will help us cooperate more productively.
Additional Benefits
Additional benefits of using Telegram Chat include:
Other benefits in fractalgram chat